
Sigh of Relief

Well today was the day. I am still in remission from Erdheim-Chester Disease. It stinks that I am actually really upset about this. My next doctor's appointment is in 6 months and I do not have to get another MRI for a year. This whole concept really makes me sad. I know that it shouldn't, but it does. It makes me sad that a lot of the people in my life are at the hospital. I know that this is a very good thing, but it still upsets me.

My appointment was really short today. It is getting to the point where the doctor is just going to start calling me with the results. I did get to see Holland and all my friends in Rhoads today. That was very nice. I know that they are all glad that I just come to visit them now. I also showed off my ring and fiance.

He is waiting for someone to not like the ring. It is not going to happen though. Everyone was glad to see how happy I am. Most of them remember when this was not the case. I am very glad that I am in this place. It took awhile but I am there and hope to stay there.